Installing PowerShell Pro Tools for Visual Studio

From inside Visual Studio

  1. Click Tools on the top menu bar
  2. Click Extensions and Updates…
  3. Click Online on the left hand tree
  4. In the top right search field, type “PowerShell Pro Tools for Visual Studio”
  5. Click the Download button
  6. Follow the installation prompts
  7. Restart Visual Studio

From the Visual Studio Marketplace

  1. Visit the PowerShell Pro Tools for Visual Studio 2017 Marketplace page or Visit the PowerShell Pro Tools for Visual Studio 2015 Marketplace page
  2. Click Download
  3. Double click the VSIX package that you downloaded
  4. Follow the installation prompts
  5. Restart or start Visual Studio


Trial Licenses

Trial licenses are automatically installed on machines that have no been licensed previously. You have full access to all features of the product. The license will expire in two weeks.

Purchasing a License

Visit thepurchasing pageand follow the instructions to purchase a license. A license will be emailed to you.

Installing a License

Once your trial expires a license window will appear when attempting to use functionality of this product. You can enter your license information into that window at this time. To update or change your license at any time, Click Help and About PowerShell Pro Tools to view and change your license.

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